Linkedin for Career Success- Navigating the Social Network

March 12, 2013 - 6:00pm
North Campus, Governors' Boardroom

Jacqueline Cavalheiro
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext 4179


Want to learn how to increase your career potential through social networking?

Join us for a workshop on how to best utilize Linkedin to maximize your career success.

This interactive workshop will be lead by Byung Oh, Career & Education Advisor / Social Media Strategist, Humber College Career Centre.

Students- $5
Alumni & Friends - $10

*Refreshments provided*

All student and alumni workshops provide handouts to event attendees.

Parking Information

  • Enter at Driveway B (stoplights)
  • Turn right at first intersection
  • Check in at the Parking Services Kiosk window (first left) for parking instructions and directions.

Parking is free.