New Employee Orientation: Support Staff and Administration

September 26, 2013
October 24, 2013

Maureen Martin-Edey
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4509 

New Employee Orientation
Support Staff and Administration

We view new employee orientation as an important process that helps you become a successful member of our community. Join us and explore Humber, discovering resources that are available to you and critical information regarding benefits, performance appraisals, professional development opportunities and union representation. This session will help you identify how your role contributes to Humber achieving its vision, mission and objectives. You will meet Chris Whitaker, Humber’s President, who will explain the current status of Humber’s business plan and various other guest presenters who will discuss Humber’s departments and services. Orientation is also a wonderful opportunity to meet other new employees from across the college. Your orientation will conclude with lunch and a tour of North Campus. Sessions are held monthly.

Upcoming dates:
September 26, 2013
October 24, 2013


Nancey Adamson, Manager, Employee Engagement and Eloise Etcubañez, Office Manager, HR Services