Humber Showcase - Call for Proposals

April 14, 2016

On behalf of the Showcase 2016 committee, I wish to thank you for being a part of this exciting day!

Showcase encourages everyone to dive in and share their own Wave of Excellence throughout our Humber community. We look forward to learning about your passions and your unique approach as a leader.

This year's theme, Wave of Excellence, is a reflection of our keynote speakers —  Gold Medal Champion Mark Tewksbury and award winning Olympic coach Debbie Muir — whose extraordinary work as a team celebrate the best in leadership skills and achievement. Mark and Debbie also remind us to consider the difference we are making along the way — a vital part of the Champion's Journey!

We encourage and welcome all part-time and full-time staff to attend this unique, free event!

Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and be sure to remember to register for the après event as well.

We look forward to seeing you Thursday, June 2nd, at the Lakeshore Campus.

Melody Johnson, Chair, Wave of Excellence 2016

Please submit your proposals online. We are currently accepting proposals for interactive workshops, presentations, training sessions, and creative exhibits for Market Place Learning Exchange. Proposals deadline is Thursday, May 5th, 2016.

See the showcase website:
Showcase Twitter: @HumberShowcase #Wave2016