Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals: May 2013

April 19, 2013

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.

Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for consideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.4427

01 Monday
May = Waawaaskone Giizis / Yansa’altt (Aboriginal)
Waawaaskone Giizis is also known as the Flower Moon (Ojibwe). Yansa’altt is the season of berries and woods fragrant with blossoms (Other).
Beltane (Wicca)
Beltane (Beltain or May Eve [April 30] and May Day) denotes the joining of the Earth Goddess and the Celtic God Bel in marriage as the basis of creation. In Celtic paganism, this union was celebrated by a mid-summer fertility festival. Currently, Maypole dances are held.

02 Thursday
Holy Thursday (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates the institution of the Lord’s supper by Jesus.

03 Friday
Holy Friday (Christianity-Eastern)
Commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ in submission to death by crucifixion.

05 Sunday
Pascha (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from death and the announcement of the angel to the women at Jesus’ tomb that “He is risen.”

06 Monday
Easter Monday (Christianity-Eastern)
The promise of new life is celebrated by Christians in reflection on the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion and death.

09 Thursday
Ascension of Jesus (Christianity-Western)
Commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven.

10 Friday
New Moon

12 Sunday
Mother’s Day (North America)
A day set aside to honour mothers and motherhood.

15 Wednesday
Shavuot (Festival/Feast of Weeks) to May 16 (Judaism)
Shavuot, commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites and the completion of God’s purpose to create a special people, is celebrated 2 days in the diaspora and 1 day in Israel and by Reformed Jews and starts at sundown. Weeks is the plural of the Hebrew word for 7 and ends 7 weeks or 50 days (hence Pentecost) after Pesah.

17 Friday
Azamat (Baha'i)
Azamat, meaning Grandeur, is the 4th month of the Baha’i year.

19 Sunday
Pentecost (Christianity-Western)
Celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples after his ascension, 50 days after Easter.

20 Monday
Victoria Day (Canada)
Celebrates the birthday of Queen Victoria (declared a Canadian holiday in 1845 prior to confederation).

21 Tuesday
Aboriginal Awareness Week (Aboriginal/Canada)
Introduced in 1992 to increase awareness about Aboriginal peoples, it includes the 4 days following Victoria Day.

23 Thursday
Declaration of the Bab (Baha'i)
Commemorates the day in 1844 on which he announced his identity as the Bab, the herald of the new age.

25 Saturday
Full Moon
Wesak (Buddhism)
Wesak is the most important day of the year for Buddhists, also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima or Theravadin New Year. The full moon marks a triple celebration of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in his Birth, Enlightenment and Final Demise. Buddha’s birth is celebrated on different dates in different countries.

29 Wednesday
Ascension of Baha’u’llah (Baha’i)
Marks the anniversary of the death of the founder of the Baha’i faith and work is suspended on this day.