Town Hall Meeting #2

December 3, 2013 - 1:00pm
Lakeshore Campus, L1017
Strategic Plan Town Hall – Tuesday, December 3
Town Hall Meetings are one of the ways that Humber is continuing to engage with faculty and staff throughout implementation of the 2013-18 Strategic Plan. Hosted by President Whitaker, these regular events are open to faculty, staff and students to share ideas and information about issues of relevance to Humber’s strategic direction. Thank you to everyone who attended our first Town Hall on the topic of Differentiation and Strengthening Our Polytechnic Identity (please visit and follow the links to see the video).
Town Hall Meeting #2
Living Our Values as a Learning Organization: How We Work Together is as Important as What We Do!
What is a ‘learning organization’? How does my work impact and influence others? How are we delivering on our commitment to increasing collaboration? This Town Hall will explore how we work – and learn – together as an organization, and explore some of the ways that we are integrating collaborative processes and cross-institutional dialogue into our day-to-day responsibilities.
We want to hear from you! Bring your ideas about what we can do to ensure that we are thriving as a learning community and maintaining a culture that reflects our institutional values and commitment to student success. As we build on what makes Humber unique within the context of postsecondary differentiation in Ontario, we must ensure that our most important resource – our people – is flourishing.
Join President Whitaker and the Executive Team at Lakeshore Campus on Tuesday, December 3, for a light lunch and conversation about Humber’s commitment to enhancing collaboration and cross-institutional dialogue. All Town Hall Meetings are live-streamed by the Media Services team to the strategic plan webpage for staff at Those watching online can submit questions during the Q&A segment.
Each Town Hall Meeting will explore a different topic, and the dialogue promises to be lively… mark the dates in your calendar!
Humber Strategic Plan Town Hall Meetings
Tuesday, December 3
1pm – 2pm
Thursday, January 30
12pm – 1pm
Seventh Semester
Thursday, March 6
12pm – 1pm
Wednesday, April 16
1pm – 2pm
Seventh Semester