The CTL Presents: "Teaching Study Skills, Success Strategies, and Personal Responsibility Across the Curriculum"

February 11, 2014 - 1:35pm
Lakeshore Campus, Room F103

Time: 1:35 p.m. to 2:25 p.m. 

“I studied, but the questions on the test were different than what we covered in class.”
“I work nights, so I don’t have time to do the assignments.”
“My teacher is so boring that he’s making me fail the class.”
“Why do I even need this course, anyway?”

Do these statements sound familiar? Many students possess the intellectual capability to succeed in their chosen program but fail to reach their academic
potential due to a lack of study skills or self-management skills, and in particular due to an unwillingness to take personal responsibility for their experiences and
outcomes at college.

While your program may not have an entire course dedicated to student success, we can show you some easy and fun techniques that you can employ to incorporate
study skills and success strategies into your curriculum, whatever subject you may teach.

Presenters: Michelle Jordan and Lisa Salem-Wiseman are both professors in the Department of General Arts and Science, where they teach a student success
course designed to help disengaged students enrolled in preparatory programs to develop the necessary “soft skills” to be successful at the postsecondary level.

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