Workshop: Support Staff Position Classification

April 1, 2014 - 9:00am
North Campus, Room B308

To register for this session:
Maureen Martin-Edey
Phone: 416.675.6622ext. 4509

Are you responsible for managing support staff in your role? Did you know that as a manager, it is your responsibility to review position description forms (PDF’s) each year during the performance review process? And that best practice is to review the PDF every time you have a vacancy?

The goal of this workshop is to help managers learn more about Humber’s provincially negotiated job classification plan for support staff positions. This participatory session will offer attendees an overview of effectively writing support staff position description forms, important elements of the support staff collective agreement relating to position classification, and the support staff position review process at Humber.

Erin Holl, Director, Support Staff for the College Employer Council will co-facilitate this session and will discuss job evaluation best practices, offer insight into current classification issues within the College system, as well as discuss important arbitration decisions. Participants will leave with a reference guide on how to complete support staff position description forms in accordance with our negotiated job evaluation plan.

Workshop Highlights:

  • A review of completing a Position Description Form (PDF) and important aspects of the Support Staff Collective Agreement.
  • An update on important arbitration decisions in classification grievances.
  • Overview of the PDF review and classification process at Humber.

Time & Location Details:
Date: Tuesday April 1, 2014
Time: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Room: B308

Erin Holl, Director, Support Staff, College Employer Council
Jennifer Cosway, HR Consultant, HR Services