RAPP Research Forum at Humber

April 2, 2014 - 8:15am
Lakeshore Campus, Assembly Hall

The advent of social media, big data and new technologies brings novel opportunities and challenges for social and market research; these changes will alter the career landscape for research, business, social science and computer applications students.

The Humber RAPP Research Forum opens pathways to navigate this landscape. The Research Forum will be of interest to anyone wanting insights into how new and emerging research tools and methods can generate data that can be used for individual, societal, and commercial benefit, but, potentially, can be abused as an invasion of privacy, and misused in corporate decision-making. Expertise in knowledge translation is crucial to this data being used for stakeholders’ benefits.

Through student presentations, key note speakers and a panel discussion these topics will be explored with a focus on addressing students’ ability to make connections between the forum themes and their futures as researchers.

For more information, visit us online.

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