Earth Hour 2014: Saturday March 29 at 8:30 p.m.

March 29, 2014 - 8:30pm

Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829

At 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, 2014, hundreds of millions of people across the globe will switch off the lights of homes and businesses for one hour. Earth Hour is the largest environmental action in history, bringing our voices together to collectively ‘Use Our Power’ and to make the commitment to take action and take better care of the planet  in the year ahead. Here is what you can do at Humber and at home to reduce your power use: 

  • Elect an “Earth Hour Superhero” in your department/area, whose job it is to ensure lights are out and appliances, computers and monitors are off at the end of each working day (especially this Friday!)
  • Do not print unless absolutely necessary, and minimize printing and photocopying
  • Turn off printers, computers, monitors, microwaves and coffee machines at the power points at the end of the day when unused for long periods (this would reduce energy use by 5 per cent). (Especially before you go home this weekend!)
  • Share the message with your colleagues, students, friends, family!
  • Have dinner in candlelight this Saturday, March 29! …and as many nights as you can!
  • Send us a photo showing us what you did during Earth Hour this year via twitter @SustainHumber and you could win a delicious prize!
  • Find out more and learn what else you can do for Earth Hour at: 
All year, we conserve energy on our Humber Campuses in several ways: 
  • We have much of our lighting on sensors. Have the lights gone out on you in a meeting and you have to get up and dance to make them turn back on? That’s us conserving energy!
  •  We ‘set back’ our heating, cooling and ventilation equipment at 10 p.m. Monday – Friday and at 6 p.m. on the weekends until 6 a.m. Since there are fewer people around during those times, we don’t need to heat or cool the buildings as much, thus conserving energy.
  • You can find out more on our website
Use your power to create impact. 
Humber Sustainability