Supply Chain Management & e-Business Marketing Job Search Workshop

December 4, 2014

On November 20, 2014, the Business School’s Placement Centre hosted the APICS Job Search Workshop in coordination with Supply Chain Management and e-Business Marketing degree program coordinator, Eli Lewin. The Association for Operations Management (APICS), which promotes advancing productivity, innovation, and competitive success, provided event attendees with information on becoming a member of the APICS-Humber chapter, as well as potential work placement opportunities in the supply chain and operations management industries. The workshop featured guest speakers, Sam Manna, Director of Client Development & Talent Acquisition at Argentus, and Donald Cooper, member of the board of directors for the APICS- Toronto Chapter. Guest speakers spoke to students about the various benefits of joining a professional association and how to effectively conduct their job searches. The event also featured an enthusiastic panel of Humber alumni, who provided current students with valuable career and job search information and advice. 

The event was a major success, with over 120 guests in attendance. The workshop facilitated valuable information sharing among students, alumni, industry professionals, and Humber faculty. It was also a great networking opportunity for students seeking work terms.