MasterCard – Retraining Opportunity

September 23, 2014 - 10:30am

After launching the new Pcards and associated online processes in April 2014 and after analyzing the statistics of our transition, it quite evident that the users are having difficulty transitioning to the on-line process. For information, approximately 25% of the cardholders have not reviewed and/or approved the on-line transactions. Some of this may be because of the end of winter term or the start of the summer vacation schedule. From good business practice point of view, we need to change this.

To that effect, we are offering a refresher training session in September, once the new semester start up is complete.  We strongly suggest that those who have not successfully reviewed or approved transactions to attend this training session. 

September Statement Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014, midnight
Retraining Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
North Campus, Governors Boardroom B101
Agenda: Cardholder transaction review
Cardholder statement processing & printing
Approver transaction approval Report writing, including export to MS Excel  

Please forward this communication to any or all of the cardholders in your area who may benefit from this additional training.

Thank you in advance.

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