Workshop: The 3 Circles of Communication

October 15, 2014 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Room B106

Everyone has charisma. It’s a quality we all have stored in our body and breath. In this workshop you’ll find out how to tap into it and speak and listen with attentive energy.

You’ll find your presence through a series of simple exercises involving posture, breath, voice, clear thinking and sensory awareness.

In this interactive workshop, you will learn to:

  • Be fully present with another person
  • Understand your body language
  • Focus your positive energy
  • Improve your sensory awareness
  • Open up your voice.

This workshop is a credit towards the Professional Communications Certificate.
There's plenty of space!

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Select the Programs tab to view the Categories - this session is under Communications/Interpersonal Skills – scroll down to select your workshop and sign up.