Humber Engagement and Learning Profile (HELP)

November 10, 2014

Thank You and Congratulations!

Thank you for making the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile (HELP) survey a success!

  • Thanks to the dedicated effort of everyone across the institution the survey achieved an overall response rate of 39.3%.

Congratulations to the student prize winners!

  • Every student who completed the survey was eligible for more than 60 prizes provided by Humber Institutional Research, including three top prizes of money towards Humber tuition, as well as a Customized Career Booster sponsored by the Humber Students Federation. The top prizes were presented by President Whitaker.
  • This year’s Top Response Rate was awarded to the School of Social and Community Services with a 67.6% completion rate.

Winners (L-R): Gina Antonacci, Dean, School of Social & Community Services (HELP Top Response Rate award); Simran Garcha, Business Management

 ($500 Customized Career Booster sponsored by Humber Students’ Federation); Megan Collins, Bachelor of Nursing ($1,500 towards Humber tuition); Constanza Davila, Theatre Arts: Tech Production ($500 towards Humber tuition); Zach Boyes, Fitness and Health Promotion ($500 towards Humber tuition) Photo Credit: John Klassen

What have we learned from HELP?

  • 94% of respondents are interested in what they are learning at school.
  • 92% of respondents can relate what they are learning in classes to future career plans.
  • 91% of respondents agree that their classes are giving them skills that will help them in the job market.
  • 89% of respondents believe that they are enrolled in a program of study that is right for them.
  • 72% report of respondents agree that “Humber is a place where I feel like I belong”
  • 83% of students requested additional information about 24 specific support services; of those:
    • 25% requested information in 1 to 5 of the areas;
    • 23% requested information in 6 to 10 areas; and
    • 33% requested information in more than 10 areas

Who benefits from HELP?

  • Students – they’ve told us how we can help them be successful at Humber and received a personalized email connecting them to support services on campus.
  • Academics – student reports at the program and school levels will help identify areas of focus to support student success and retention.
  • Student Success and Engagement – HELP data reveal student demand for key support services, which allows for short- and long-range planning and resource allocation.
  • Humber Community – aggregate data at the program, school and institutional levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP reports and info?

  • Initial reports have been distributed to all Academic Schools and service areas.
  • For HELP reports or information about the survey please contact Pat VanHorne, Manager, Institutional Research at or x4943