Workshop: Performance Review & Effective Feedback (Managers)

October 22, 2014 - 10:00am
North Campus, Room B308

Performance reviews for support staff are approaching soon, and as a manager or supervisor, this workshop will give you valuable tips to ensure the performance appraisal process is positive, productive and supportive.

Upon completion of this session, you will be able to:

  • Define the Performance Appraisal Review process
  • Provide performance feedback

Target Audience:
Managers/Supervisors of support staff employees

This workshop ends at 12 noon.

To register for this workshop, please go to - log in to create an account; username and password. Once you log in, choose your username and click on Reset password. You will receive a one-time password change from to create a new password to get in to register.

Return to the Program Offerings page, and click on the Programs tab on the black bar – to College Knowledge – to Performance Review & Effective Feedback. There is a Sign up tab to click on – you will show up as registered, and I can confirm your attendance.

If you need assistance, email Maureen.

There is plenty of room - hope to see you there!