Staff Hockey

January 7, 2015 - 5:00pm
Centennial Arena

Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year celebrations are a time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Perhaps a little over eating will take place but that is Ok you can increase your physical activity in the New Year by joining Humber Staff Hockey!!

Staff Hockey Night at Humber occurs Wednesday nights, 5- 6 pm, starting January 7 and running until April 22nd playing at Etobicoke’s Centennial Arena (Rathburn and Highway 427). We need more players for the winter/spring season so consider joining us.

We have players from all areas of the college community: support staff, faculty and administrators. Anyone who can skate and enjoys a game of hockey is welcome. (Previous experience in organized hockey is not a prerequisite)

Per night cost is $20 or a season flat rate for the remaining 16 games of $250. Please contact Jim Watson at for more information.