TreeCaching Trail Expansion

February 3, 2015 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Humber Arboretum

Climate’s Sake (formerly known as the Association for Canadian Educational Resources (ACER)) would like to send invitations for the celebration of our TreeCaching trail expansion at Humber Arboretum on February 3, 2015 at 1:00 pm. A new TreeCaching sign will be unveiled, and there will be opportunity to gain first-hand experience with TreeCaching activities by hiking the trail. 

Our TreeCaching initiatives encourage people to identify and learn about trees when outside. TreeCaching is a simple and fun outdoor activity- a self-guided nature walk for all ages. Benefits include increased physical activity, social outings, community engagement, nature appreciation and improved physical and mental health. 

Daniel Jang, a frequent hiker from Mississauga, says “I would just like to comment on how much I really enjoy and benefit from the TreeCaching program…The QR coded tree tags allow me to confirm my ID skills, or on some occasions, lack of skills. It would be awesome to see this program expand to other locations. Keep up the great work!” 

You can download a QR code app on your mobile device for free to begin scanning. Scanning our QR codes on trees will redirect you to a unique webpage that has information about the tree you’ve found. It also contains tree ID keys and interesting facts about that particular species. 

Please RSVP for this event via e-mail or telephone by Thursday, January 29, 2015.