Humber College & Community Partnership Fund - Reminder

March 13, 2015

Humber College Community Partnership Fund
Now Accepting Applications

Submissions due:  Friday, March 13, 2015 by 5 p.m.

Steps to ensure a successful application:

  • Become familiar with the guidelines to help you determine the project fit
  • Identify a strong community partner(s)
  • Connect with Sabra Desai, Manager of Community Partnerships to share your project ideas and proposed partners.  Involving Sabra in the early conceptualization of your project will better ensure that the project aligns with the goals and objectives of the fund.
  • Co-develop, design and write the application together with your community partner(s).  The committee wants to see that the co-developed idea meets a community need and that everyone is committed to the project from its inception.
  • Create a realistic budget – make sure to include in kind contributions of not only things but time and space
  • Try to find co-funders if possible or indicate steps for future sources of funding to ensure sustainability (if applicable)
  • Submit on time
  • Be prepared to answer follow up questions or provide additional clarification regarding your application

E-mail: to receive funding application and guidelines
E-mail:  to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners and to refine concepts.
For more information or to read the guidelines please go to: