Call for Student Talent: Colleges & Institutes Canada 2015

February 27, 2015

Humber Students for the Colleges and Institutes Canada 2015 Art Showcase

DEADLINE: Friday, February 27th at 5pm.

At Humber, we're no stranger to the innovation and creativity that our students have to offer. We want to help showcase this talent at the National level! 

We are asking Humber's faculty and staff to recommend students to showcase talent on the walls of CICan’s national office at the Château Laurier in Ottawa. For the 2015 Art Showcase, CICan invites students from colleges and institutes across the country to submit their illustrations, paintings, photos, fabrics, sculptures and technical drawings. The work must be ready for display and the student must be currently enrolled at Humber College. 

1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $400
3rd Place: $300 

A “President’s Choice Award” will also be awarded to the best piece by an Indigenous artist in honour of CICan’s Indigenous Education Protocol. The winner of this award will receive a prize of $400.

Each piece sent in by a finalist will also be displayed at the CICan offices, and will receive recognition on CICan’s website and in various Association publications. 

A prize of $200 will also be awarded to the best submission from each membership region (BC/Yukon, Alberta/Northwest Territories, Manitoba/ Saskatchewan/ Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic).

Finally, the finalists’ artwork will be prominently displayed at CICan’s 2015 Annual Conference, which will take place from May 24-26 in Winnipeg.


  1. All submissions will be reviewed by Humber's Art Collection Committee, and be submitted to the CICan Call for Talent. You will be notified of your status from this round by March 9th, 2015
  2. The CICan Art Committee will be responsible for the final review and decision. Students whose pieces have been selected will be notified by March 30th, 2015. 

Please contact to receive a copy of the application form.