Overcoming Entrepreneur Uncertainty

March 24, 2015 - 12:00pm
North Campus, Room B106

Anxiety and Entrepreneurship: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Are you a dreamer or aspiring first-time entrepreneur?
Are you thinking of starting a small business?
Do you have a student who sound like the above?

Sign up to learn how to overcome entrepreneurship uncertainty, become more resilient and achieve success with ease.

There are many benefits of being an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you work your own schedule, work where you like, work with people you like, and create your own opportunities. But being an entrepreneur also comes with a lot of anxiety. Entrepreneurs face uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure which can make you feel pretty low at times. 

This workshop will help you:

  • Build the mental and emotional strength needed to succeed
  • Build your identity and image into something influential
  • Overcome self-doubt and get results from the most high-impact activities
  • Learn the most effective sales and marketing techniques relevant to your business
  • Go from a lost beginner to confident professional in your business
  • Build a business and brand that fits you and your lifestyle