Humber In the News: March – April 2013 Highlights

May 6, 2013

Design Product News – March 3, 2013 – Humber students work with Festo to achieve success
Article mentions Humber’s Electromechanical Engineering Technology advanced diploma students, Zachary Piskun and David Da Costa representing the college at the WorldSkills Competition in Leipzig, Germany this summer.

The Globe and Mail – March 13, 2013 – What students are looking for in college business courses?
Article features Humber’s Business School and an interview with Alvina Cassiani, dean of the Business School.

The Globe and Mail – March 13, 2013 - Best employers for new Canadians for 2013
Humber is mentioned in the article as one of the top employers for new Canadians.
Also published in The Weekly Voice

South Asian Focus – March 14, 2013 – Getting into the Canadian mainstream
Article mentions Humber’s nearly 1,400 continuing education programs.

Omni TV Mandarin News – March 15, 2013 – Perspectives
Segment features Perspectives, Humber’s Ningbo/Jimei student’s photography exhibit of their experiences in Canada.

The Epoch Times – March 15, 2013 – College Finishing School for University Grads?
Article features an interview with Humber’s president Chris Whitaker. He discusses the college’s degree programs.
Also published on

The Toronto Star –March 16, 2013 - Unpaid internships: experience or exploitation?
Article mentions Humber’s internship opportunities with small businesses.

The Toronto Star – March 21, 2013 – Guiding lights, helping hands toward the future
Article features Eileen DeCourcy, Humber’s associate vice president of teaching and learning discussing that colleges must be ready to help fulfill educational goals on the fly.

Toronto 24 Hours – March 25, 2013- Research is key to a rewarding degree
Article features interview with Humber’s John Rose, student recruitment adviser talking about students visiting schools before choosing the right program for them.
Also published on Vancouver 24 Hours, Ottawa 24 Hours and Edmonton 24 Hours

The Toronto Star – March 26, 2013 Queen’s park embarks $27 million to tackle mental health issues on Ontario campuses
Article mentions Humber receiving $750,000 funding toward addressing student mental health and features interview with Jen McMillen, Humber's director of student access.
Also published on Metro Toronto

Now Toronto – March 30, 2013 – Options unlimited: Changing your life through continuing education
Article mentions Humber’s more than 790 online and correspondence courses in areas including makeup and esthetics, emergency management, human resources management, millinery, catering operations management and more.

The Toronto Star – March 31, 2013- Getting a degree booster shot can help you land new job
Article features Humber’s continuing education programs and features interviews with Darlene Smart and Blair McMurchy.

T.O.Night Newspaper –April 2, 2013 - Continuing education for the masses
Article discusses Humber’s continuing education certificate and diploma courses and features an interview with Tara Kuipery, continuing education student services advisor.

Etobicoke Guardian –April 3, 2013 – Humber to spearhead mental health training
Article mentions Humber receiving $750,000 funding toward addressing student mental health.

Metro Toronto – April 9, 2013 – Humber can help you choose wisely
Article mentions Humber’s online career finder and an interview with John Rose, student recruitment advisor.

The Toronto Sun – April 14, 2013 – eLearning for those who want to get ahead
Article features Humber’s online certificate programs and an interview with Mark Ihnat, director of learning at Humber’s Centre for Teaching and Learning.
Also published in 24 Hours Toronto

Metro News – April 16, 2013 - Becoming a leader can be learned, take a course
Article features Rumeet Billan a professor in Humber’s School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, discussing the leadership course she teaches.
Also published in Metro Calgary, Metro Regina, Metro Saskatoon, Metro London, Metro Ottawa, Metro Winnipeg, Metro Edmonton, Metro Vancouver and Metro Toronto

Now Toronto- April 17, 2013 – Where to study Business
Article mentions Humber’s Business administration and Business management programs.

T.O.Night Newspaper – April 23, 2013 – The Best in Full-time Continuing Education
Article mentions Humber’s more than 1,400 continuing education courses.

The Globe and Mail – April 25, 2013 – With shortage of drivers, this trucker loves his job on the road
Article mentions Humber’s Transportation Training Centre and features an interview with Rick Mikula, program liaison officer.

Rogers Daytime Toronto – April 26, 2013 – Humber College and Mental Health training
Jen McMillen speaks to Daytime Toronto regarding Humber’s mental health training.

Omni TV Mandarin News – April 26, 2013 – Celebrating success
Feature segment on Humber and Jimei/Ningbo program graduation Ceremony.,AAAAFOzDiwE~,6Yig_ZA7wquIAjVAZS1F6iSZMTpmTkW_&bclid=407555583001&bctid=2330877282001

The Toronto Star – April 27, 2013 - Dorm life fosters friendships community
Article features Humber’s residence and includes comments from Shari Walsh, Residence Life Manager and students.

Ontario Technologist – April 30, 2013 – Humber wins gold at WorldSkills Americas
Article mentions Humber’s Electromechanical Engineering Technology advanced diploma students, David Da Costa and Zachary Piskun wining gold at WorldSkills America.

Ontario Restaurant News – April 30, 2013 – Food on Campus: a seminar in service
Article features Humber’s culinary program and discusses how the students prepare food for sale on campus.