Fire Drill - North Campus - LRC

July 21, 2015 - 9:30am

MaryAnn Gregoris
416.675.6622 ext.5449

A Fire Drill will be conducted in the LRC at the North Campus on Tuesday, July 21st at 9:30 a.m.

The drills consist of a two (2) stages.

  • Stage 1 - you will hear an intermittent signal (beeping sound every 2 seconds) for one (1) minute, followed by an announcement on the public address system requesting you to stand by and prepare to leave the building.
  • Stage 2 - you will hear a continuous signal (3 fast beeps following by a short pause) for one (1) minute, followed by an announcement on the public address system requesting you to evacuate the building.

This drill will be for approximately 15 minutes or until the drill is complete.

Although the drill is specifically for the LRC, be advised the entire North Campus will hear Stage 1 messaging and are not required to evacuate.

When the drill is complete, a public address message will advise all evacuated occupants to re-enter the building.  

Please take this opportunity to review the fire procedures that were provided to you during your training sessions or visit our website at

We thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.   Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Rob Kilfoyle, Director of Public Safety at ext. 4417 or Mary Ann Gregoris at ext. 5449.