Congratulations to Krista Holmes on Her Successful PhD Defense

February 8, 2016

Applied Research and Innovation (ARI) is pleased to announce that on Friday, February 4th, Krista Holmes, Manager of Ethics and Internal Programs, successfully defended her PhD in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Krista’s thesis was entitled “Research Ethics in the Ontario College Sector: An Exploratory Descriptive Study of Governance and Administrative Frameworks” and was an in-depth analysis of the Research Ethics Board system within the college system across Ontario. Her thesis was supervised by Dr. Katharine Janzen.

Krista has managed the operations of the REB since joining ARI in 2011, and works closely with the REB chair and other committee members to uphold the integrity of the review process for research involving humans at Humber. Krista is an advocate for improving REB processes and standards to better support researchers, and is recognized as an expert in this field. In December 2015, Krista was featured in an article on the issue of REB operations that was featured in Academica (

Congratulations to Krista on this amazing accomplishment!