Humber Theatre Community Week Presentation

September 12, 2015
Humber Arts and Media Studios

Diana Belshaw
416-675-6622 x 79032

Dear Friends of Humber Theatre:

This coming Saturday, September 12 at 2:00pm, our Theatre Performance and Production students will be presenting the culmination of Community Week, our annual launch into the year. Please join us for a public outdoor parade which starts and ends here at 300 Birmingham, with a final spectacular performance in the theatre.

Community Week is a tradition in the two programs, introducing the full student body to community-based creation. Over 5 days, all 120 students work together under the guidance of some of Canada’s leading artists to develop a performance. This year the artist-team is led by Varrick Grimes, a director and creator whose career runs the gamut from Stratford to community-based events across Ontario. The artists joining him include Aline Morales (Canada’s leading Brazilian musician and maracatu band leader), Teodoro Dragonieri (internationally experienced mask maker and commedia expert), Anne Barber (co-founder of Shadowland, a theatre company committed to community-based spectacle and outdoor performance), Donna-Michelle St. Bernard (writer, director and hip-hop artist as her alter-ego Belladonna) and Glenn Davidson (one of Toronto’s leading lighting designers and creator).

Please join us – it will be an afternoon to remember. And bring your entire family – children are particularly welcome!

Paul de Jong                                                                                     Heather Kent
Co-ordinator Theatre Performance                                                       Co-ordinator Theatre Production