Workshop - Working with Assertive Communication

October 15, 2015 - 9:00am
North Campus, Room B106

Assertiveness is all about self confidence, self-respect and respect for others. With these principles as the foundation, we learn the best way to interact with others. Assertiveness is a way of thinking, behaving and communicating.

In this all-day workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Differentiate assertive, aggressive and non-assertive behaviour
  • Understand how assertiveness is linked to self-respect and respect for others
  • Monitor your body language to avoid sending mixed messages
  • Employ seven communication strategies to use in challenging situations
  • Deal with criticism appropriately
  • Make requests in a responsible way
  • Say “no” assertively
  • Limit defensiveness when communicating with others.

To register for this workshop, please log in to