Last Chance to Complete the HOSC Printing Survey & Enter for a Chance to Win an Apple iPad

The Humber Operational Sustainability Committee (HOSC) is responsible for working with Humber’s Office of Sustainability to attain the operational goals included in Humber's 2014-2019 Sustainability Plan. This year, HOSC has identified that reducing the amount of paper used on campus is a priority.

To help us gather as much information as possible around paper use on campus, we ask that you please complete a short anonymous survey. This survey is voluntary and will take five to 10 minutes of your time.  If you choose, your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win an Apple iPad or 1 of 2 $50 Bookstore gift cards; your survey responses will be kept completely confidential. 

Your opinion matters and will help us to develop reduction strategies. Thank you for your valuable time and input. 

Link to survey:

Survey Deadline: Friday, May 27, 2016