Humber hosts Minister of Science, Dr. Kirsty Duncan

January 21, 2016 - 12:30pm
Lakeshore Campus, Lakeshore Commons (L Building)

Sara Laux,

On Thursday, January 21, at 12:30 p.m. in the Lakeshore Campus L Building, Humber and Laurie Rancourt, Senior Vice-President Academic will welcome the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, who will be announcing the first-round results of the federal Community and College Social Innovation Fund. 

The newly created fund, which is administered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), will support research projects and partnerships between colleges, polytechnics, communities and businesses that foster and encourage social innovation.

Please join us in celebrating Humber’s ongoing contributions to timely, relevant applied research.