Pollinator/Bird-Friendly Gardening Workshop

September 10, 2016 - 10:00am
North Campus, Centre for Urban Ecology

416.675.5009, arboretum@humber.ca

Join the Etobicoke Master Gardeners at the Humber Arboretum for this important workshop on how to attract and support native wildlife in your own yard. You’ll learn about pollinators and their importance in our backyard ecology, get tips on how to identify some common birds in Ontario, and find out which plants and other features can turn your garden into a haven for the birds and the bees (and other pollinators).

This 1.5 hour workshop is FREE to attend but please register on the Arboretum website to reserve your spot.

This workshop is part of an ongoing series offered by the Etobicoke Master Gardeners at the Humber Arboretum. Watch the Arboretum website for details on a pruning workshop coming up in November.
