Psychological Harassment & Bullying in the Classroom and Workplace

September 30, 2016 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Governor’s Boardroom, B101

2016-2017 Diversity & Inclusion Dialogue:

"The Prevention of Psychological Harassment & Bullying in the Classroom and Workplace"

Presenter: Cory Boyd, LL.B, Rubin & Thomlinson LLP

Presentation Objectives:

  1. Understand the legislative and policy definitions of Psychological Harassment and Bullying;
  2. Identify common actions/behaviors that have been found to be psychological harassment/bullying in the classroom and workplace;
  3. Understand the impact of psychological harassment and bullying on students and staff; and
  4. Provide best practices and tools that would assist in the prevention of psychological harassment and bullying in the classroom and workplace.