Financial Services and Planning Website

February 12, 2016

Financial Services and Planning invites Humber College staff to visit our website

Our website is the one and only repository where you can find up to-date finance related information.

A sample of what you will find:

  • Forms, Policies and Procedures
    • Expense reimbursement
    • Purchasing/Procurement
    • Request for Payment/Billing
    • Travel insurance
    • Conference Request/Approval
    • Policies & Procedures related to all of the above
  • Important Dates to know                    
  • Available Resources
    • Request access to Banner Finance
    • Request for Corporate Purchase Card (MasterCard)
    • Banner Finance User Guides & Job Aids
    • Budget management and Purchasing Reports
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Training material & information on upcoming training
  • Contact Us
    • Staff names, their role and responsibilities

And much more!

Our website is updated regularly. We invite you to visit the site and provide comments. Please use the online feedback form to share your experience, thoughts, suggestions and/or ideas on how we can improve the content for the future.

Visit us online today!

You can count on us!