President's Lecture Series ��� Becoming Canadians: The Challenge, Promise and Journey

Thursday, January 27, 2011 - 12:00pm

Date:  Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time:  12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Location:  North Campus, 7th Semester

Speaker: Pardeep Singh Nagra

"Becoming Canadians: The Challenge, Promise and Journey": What does it mean to be a Canadian? Many Canadians define themselves as what they are not, particularly, that they are ���not American�۝; others define themselves in terms of Eurocentric cultural characteristics. In today�۪s multicultural Canada, neither approach is satisfactory: I can believe I am a Canadian, dress like I am a Canadian, play hockey like I am a Canadian, speak English like I am a Canadian, hold Canadian citizenship, and possibly be born in Canada as a Canadian, yet I may still be seen as ���the other.�۝ In this talk, Pardeep Singh Nagra will argue how this failure to fully engage and integrate Canada�۪s diversity undermines any promise that diversity brings and, in fact, hinders both individuals and groups from realizing their full potential.

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