President's Lecture Series - Genetic Discrimination

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 1:30pm

What:  President's Lecture Series - Dr. Yvonne Bombard

When:  Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time: 1:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Where:  North Campus - E 135 (Lecture Hall)

For:  All welcome

"The Dark Side to the Crystal Ball: Genetic Discrimination Against the Huntington Disease Population in Canada."

We are all part of the genetics revolution as advances in genetics have the potential to affect each of us in different ways. For some, this may mean refining our risk for disease, our reaction to medicines or the effectiveness of certain treatments. However, with the increasing availability of genetic information come possible harms, one of which is the possibility of being treated unfairly due to our genetic make-up.
This is genetic discrimination. In this talk, Dr. Bombard will highlight the research she has conducted on genetic discrimination in Canada among the Huntington disease population.

For more information, visit the School of Liberal Arts website.