Degree Lecture Series - From Backpack to Briefcase

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - 12:15pm

What:  Degree Lecture Series - From Backpack to Briefcase: How to Thrive in the Hyperspeed Workforce Without Losing Your Mind with Tod Maffin
When:  Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Time:  12:15 p.m.
Where:  Auditorium (Lakeshore)
For:  All students and staff
Cost:  Free to attend. Please register before the event.

Students about the leave college face an uncertain future - a job market that demands an "always-on" mindset, an unstable economy, and challenges working with many different generations. Tod walks students through his own story of being a multi-million dollar CEO of a publicly traded technology company to fighting for his life battling addiction and depression. Healthy and strong today, Tod's message is inspiring, emotional and serves as a warning to keep the important things in life front and centre.

Register and learn more at