Imagine Humber survey

Thanks to all who took the time to respond to the Imagine Humber survey as a kick-off to our strategic planning process. The fact that almost 800 faculty, support staff and administrators (56 per cent of those who received the initial email invitation) responded to some or all of the survey questions is a testament to your commitment to Humber and its success. A summary of the key results/findings will be available on the strategic planning website in the near future.

I am now pleased to invite you to participate in the next phase of our strategic planning consultation process. Six Student Success Roundtable Dialogue sessions have been scheduled for late January/early February at both North and Lakeshore campuses. More details about dates/times/locations and how to register can be found at . I look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions and to continuing this important dialogue about how we work together to take Humber’s success to the next level.

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.