Retirement Event for Donna Miller & Diana Jacobsen

Don't forget to come out and join us to celebrate the retirements of Diana Jacobsen and Donna Miller next week!

Monday, November 28, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the Humber Room. Presentations will commence at 4:00 p.m.

It is my pleasure to congratulate two of Student Success and Engagement’s staff on very successful careers and invite the Humber community to join us in wishing them the best in their retirement.

Diana Jacobsen, Manager, Testing Services, is retiring after 37 years at Humber.

Donna Miller, Accessibility Consultant, is retiring after 30 years at Humber.

Diana Jacobsen began her career at Humber College in 1979 as a Word Processor. She was quickly promoted and spent a number of years as an administrative assistant working alongside many of Humber’s senior leaders. In 1994 she moved into her current role - Manager, Testing Services. During Diana’s tenure in Testing Services she has overseen the implementation of countless initiatives – many of which make us the envy of our colleagues throughout the College system. Examples include being the first to introduce wide-scale online placement testing and overseeing the opening of the largest, most beautiful and most inclusive Test Centre in Ontario.

Diana’s team has benefitted from her tremendous organizational and planning skills as well as her ability to problem solve through complex and unexpected challenges. Diana is determined, efficient, hard-working and most importantly, committed to students. We have been lucky to benefit from Diana’s leadership for so many years and we will miss her very much.

Donna Miller began her career at Humber in 1985 in the Futures Program at the Queensway Campus. Since then she has worked in Literacy & Basic Skills and as an Instructor. The majority of her career at Humber has been in Student Success & Engagement, first as a Counsellor and currently as an Accessibility Consultant, a role she took on in 2003.

Donna's commitment to the Humber community has been evident in not only her faculty role, but on the committees and organizations she has contributed to. She served as a Faculty Union Steward for many years; she was a member of the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee from 2004 to 2016, and in March 2016 she took on the role of Committee Co-Chair.

Throughout Donna’s career at Humber she has contributed to the success of countless students. Donna is kind, generous with her time and expertise and always focused on assisting students in reaching their potential. Humber has benefited in so many ways from Donna’s contributions over her long career and she will be sorely missed.

Please join us to celebrate the retirements of Diana Jacobsen and Donna Miller on Monday, November 28, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the Humber Room. Presentations will commence at 4:00 p.m.

Nora Simpson
Associate Director, Accessible Learning Services