Peter Pipiska's Retirement Party

Peter Pipiska holds a PhD in Adult Education and has considerable knowledge and experience supporting internationally trained professionals in Humber College’s Community Employment Services. During his 16 years at Humber, Peter worked as an Employer Consultant/Job Developer for 10 years and as a Mentor Coach for the last 6 years. Peter supported recent immigrants to achieve success in their professional field. He was able to effectively engage and recruit employers, community partners and Humber employees as mentors. Peter’s dedication and professionalism has been acknowledged by Humber when recognized in 2015 as a recipient of the Support Staff Distinguished Service Award and by TRIEC when Humber was recognized as achieving 100 Mentoring Matches with staff and faculty with recent immigrants. He was well regarded by mentors, mentees, and fellow colleagues. Besides his enthusiasm, positive attitude and eagerness to help Peter’s sense of humor made the workplace enjoyable and fun. It will be hard to find someone to fill Peter’s shoes when he retires.

RSVP to by December 12, 2016 at 416.748.7200.