Gallery Opening for Nibi Bimadiziwin: Water is Life

The Aboriginal Resource Centre is hosting a Gallery Opening for Nibi Bimadiziwin: Water is Life at the Noth Space Gallery (LRC Atrium at Humber College, North Campus). This exhibit raises awareness about the importance of water and how we can work to protect and preserve it — both on campus and at home. We invite you to think about our responsibilities to water, and how our actions contribute not only to the wellness of our waterways but ultimately, the rest of the living world. We have the pleasure of hosting two keynote speakers: Autumn Peltier and Barbara Wall. Autumn Peltier is a young girl from Wikwemikong first nation. She was asked to attend the Assembly of First Nations Gathering this past month in order present Prime Minister Trudeau with a sacred water bundle. She had a speech prepared for Trudeau asking him to protect our water in Canada. She was unable to give the speech to Trudeau and will be sharing it with us at Humber.  Barbara Wall, Bodwewadmii Anishinaabekwe, is a Ph.D. candidate in Indigenous Studies at Trent. Her research focus is the recovering and revitalization of Indigenous Knowledge. Barbara has been a teaching assistant, and guest lecturer for the Indigenous Environmental Studies program. Barbara completed a B.Sc. in Geological Engineering at Michigan Technological University and a M.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the University of California Berkeley. Born and raised in northern New York State, Barbara is the mother of two, a 25 year old son and 23 year old daughter. She lives with her partner and Bodwewadmii Elder, Stewart King, in Keene. The exhibit will run from January 9 to January 27, 2017 in our North Space Gallery. For more information see