Town Hall Survey - Closes November 10th!

November 4, 2015

One more week to complete the strategic plan Town Hall survey! 

Hosted by President Whitaker, Humber faculty and staff are encouraged to join the conversation at Town Hall meetings to discuss issues of relevance to postsecondary education and to engage in dialogue on topics related to the 2013-2018 Humber Strategic Plan. 

We want to make sure that discussion topics are relevant for you. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to share your thoughts and ideas about the Town Hall series in a short, anonymous online survey. The survey will be open until November 10th and we want to hear your ideas! 

Mark your calendars now for upcoming Town Hall sessions and watch this space for more info as the dates get closer! 

Humber Strategic Plan Town Halls

Date* Time Campus Tentative Location
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 12 PM – 1 PM Lakeshore L1017 (Lakeshore Commons)
Wednesday, February 10, 2016  12 PM – 1 PM North 7th Semester
Thursday, April 14, 2016 12 PM – 1 PM Lakeshore L1017 (Lakeshore Commons)

Contact: Amy Kaufman, 416-675-6622 ext. 5132,