Media Skills Workshop

Professor Daniel Bear of the Criminal Justice program will be hosting a Media Skills Workshop in WEL 304A from 2-4 p.m. at part of his TEP Leadership Project. This session is for all faculty who wish to improve their skills and find opportunities to communicate their knowledge in the community. In this workshop, Dr. Bear and members of Humber’s Communications Team will focus on how to use social media as an effective communication tool to disseminate research findings, personal expertise on a subject, and commentary on unfolding events. They’ll also focus on writing opinion pieces for newspapers and blogs, including how to write these pieces and how to get them published. This event is co-produced by Dr. Bear and Andrew Leopold, Humber’s Director of Communications. External communication like this helps our faculty share their knowledge while also helping spread and promote the Humber brand.

There are only 20 seats available so please RSVP to by February 3rd to reserve a spot.

Coffee and tea will be provided.