The Great (and Mindful) Backyard Bird Count

Natural mindfulness and citizen science come together at the Humber Arboretum this Family Day weekend. Join staff from the Humber Arboretum, Bird Studies Canada, and Project Soul for a free and memorable morning of connection and contribution.
  • We will begin with an outdoor natural mindfulness session led by yoga teacher and life coach Harold St. George (which will take place on snowshoes if weather permits). Participants will be introduced to the concept of a sit-spot and how it relates to becoming more aware of the natural world.
  • We will then be in the perfect mindset to take part in Bird Studies Canada's Great Backyard Bird Count, noting all the birds around us in the Arboretum with the guidance of experienced birdwatchers.
  • Back at the Centre for Urban Ecology, we will add our observations to the GBBC bird tallies taking place across North America between February 17-20, and learn how that information will aid scientists and organizations such as Bird Studies Canada.
This event is FREE and all are welcome but registration is required. Visit the Humber Arboretum website or to reserve your spot. The Humber Arboretum is located at the back of North Campus. Meet for the event inside the Centre for Urban Ecology, the building with the bright red door just up the path from the Arboretum's entrance.