One of Humber’s foundations for success is to invest in accomplished and engaged employees who are supported in delivering an exceptional student experience. One way we do this is to ensure that our employees have the opportunity to provide feedback to the organization. As part of these efforts, we invite you to participate in a college-wide Employee Engagement Pulse Survey, beginning on March 27th. On Monday, you will receive an email from CCI Research with the survey details and instructions.
We are conducting this survey as a follow up to our 2014 Employee Engagement Survey. Results will help us get a snapshot of employee engagement in key areas, and will help shape our continuous improvement efforts.
The survey begins with demographic questions, followed by seven other questions. The first six will ask you to indicate your level of agreement, and the seventh is an open-ended question asking you to provide your opinions or comments.
Please be assured that all of your survey responses are confidential.
Further, please note that a minimum of 10 completed surveys per work area are required for any results reporting and to protect employee confidentiality. Survey results will NOT be reported separately for any work area group with fewer than 10 employees or fewer than 10 completed surveys.
Please plan to complete the survey by the Friday, April 7th deadline. Results will be shared with the entire organization in May 2017 so we will all see how we are doing. In the months following the survey, HR and the management team will meet with groups to discuss plans to improve our culture and performance and address any areas requiring specific attention.
We had a 50 per cent response rate to our 2014 survey. Ideally, it would be great to have 100 per cent participation this year in order to ensure that each and every employee’s voice is heard. When you receive the survey request on Monday, March 27, please give it your prompt attention.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.