Throughout the month of November, the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre will be collecting and creating gift-filled shoeboxes in support of I Love First Peoples, a registered Canadian charity working to empower Indigenous children and youth through education. The packed boxes will be delivered to the children and youth living in the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve in February when the ice roads open.
How can you participate?
- Donate an educational toy to contribute to the shoeboxes
- Donate $5 to offset the cost of delivering the shoeboxes
- Fill your own shoebox!
What goes in a shoebox?
- Books, math games, arts and craft supplies, toys, card games, hats, mittens, socks, paint and brushes, modelling clay, fancy markers, beading kits, bells, hair accessories, jewelry, beauty products, etc.
*Focus on ages 3-16 years
*It is also hoped that every box will be filled with a note of encouragement and $5.00 to help transport the boxes north.
Where is the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve?
The Kashechewan First Nation Reserve is located on James Bay in northern Ontario. The Cree reserve has a population of 1700. It is accessibly only by air, water, and winter roads. The government located this reserve on a flood plain which has resulted in years of extreme flooding and evacuations every spring. This year, 1500 of the 1700 inhabitants were evacuated. Widespread mould in homes, severe skin infections, breathing problems, and undrinkable water continue to plague this reserve. Like many remote reserves, Kashechewan struggles with mental health issues, poverty, addiction, and suicides.
What happens at the end of November?
The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre will deliver all collected shoeboxes to the Toronto chapter of I Love First Peoples. The shoeboxes will then be delivered along the ice roads to the Kashechewan First Nation Reserve on James Bay in February 2018.
Who is I Love First Peoples?
I Love First Peoples ( is a registered charitable organization in Canada. Their mission is to empower children and youth through education and the motivation to stay in school.