Winter 2018 Feature Lecture: Dr. Lisa Boucher

Academic Services invites you to attend the Winter 2018 Feature Lecture event, featuring Dr. Lisa Boucher Trends in Gender Issues Instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber.

Violence against women in Canada has been recognized, at both the national and international levels, as a serious and ongoing impediment to gender equality (Statistics Canada, 2015). There is a pressing need to strengthen community and government interventions to successfully challenge and, ultimately eliminate, violence against women. However, while state resources for anti-violence initiatives in the province of Ontario have generally expanded over the last twenty-five years, the funding climate has changed significantly. This has influenced the types of anti-violence work possible.

Please join us on Friday, February 16th, 2018 for Dr. Boucher's lecture: “Violence against Women: Exploring Connections between Community and Policy Responses”. In her presentation, she will provide insight into how individuals can better understand the social and political conditions necessary to effectively intervene to end violence against women. 

A light lunch will be served.

Registration is very limited! Please RSVP to, by Thursday, February 8, 2018 and state any dietary restrictions. 

We look forward to seeing you there!