2013-2014 Annual Report

2013-2014 Annual Report
President’s Message
June 24, 2014

I am pleased to inform the Humber community that the 2013-14 Annual Report and audited Financial Statements have been approved by the Board of Governors. The Annual Report reflects significant new activity at Humber over the past year, and while we are embracing new ways of working, the document also reflects the strength of the foundational principles and characteristics for which we have long been recognized.

Fall 2013 full-time enrolment increased by 4.5 per cent over fall 2012, reaching 23,985 students. The increase was fueled, in part, by the introduction of nine new programs (4 degrees; 3 diplomas; 1 certificate; 1 graduate certificate). Humber’s brand of postsecondary education and training – with a polytechnic commitment to industry partnerships, pathways, applied research and breadth programming – continues to prepare graduates for the ever-shifting world of work beyond our doors.

2013-14 Annual Report Highlights
As strengthening our polytechnic identity is a key priority, we initiated development of an integrated approach to support strategic enrolment management (SEM) at Humber, and established criteria for developing Centres of Innovation through a consultative process with academic and administrative leaders.

In support of our sustained focus on teaching and learning, I was pleased to host a series of Town Hall meetings to continue our engagement with faculty and staff throughout execution of the strategic plan. A comprehensive Internationalization Strategy is in the early stages of implementation across the institution, and we have undertaken a consultation process to engage students, faculty and staff in dialogue about the future of online education and hybrid offerings at Humber.

We have continued to focus on maximizing the impact of our partnerships within the community and with our industry connections, as well as our collaborative relationships with postsecondary institutions in Ontario and internationally. We remain heavily invested and integrated within the local community – partnering with school boards and community agencies to deliver bridge training and programs to assist youth, Aboriginals, newcomers to Canada and other traditionally under-represented groups.

With regard to our foundations for success, we continue to invest in both people and infrastructure to ensure that we are enabling our community to maximize its contribution to supporting student success. Thanks to a long history of responsible financial management, Humber was able to achieve a surplus of $28.9 million for 2013-14, generated through a combination of higher than expected revenue from the University of Guelph-Humber partnership, investment returns as well as unspent budget allocations and government grants. Careful planning and management has allowed us to earmark these funds for required future investment in strategic infrastructure and to support new initiatives specific to the achievement of our five-year strategic success outcomes.

The Annual Report will be posted on the Humber website in the coming weeks, and I invite you to review it when you have the opportunity. Along with an update on the results of institutional strategic initiatives, the annual report provides an opportunity to highlight some of our many successes and accomplishments. Of course, there is much exciting, innovative and inspiring activity happening at Humber that is not captured in the document, and these contributions are equally valued and important. Thanks to all of you for your commitment to Humber and congratulations on the successes of the past year.

Best regards,

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.