2014-17 Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning


I am pleased to inform the community that Humber finalized its 2014-17 Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities this past April. The government has now posted the signed agreements with all public colleges and universities, which will serve as guideposts for postsecondary institutions over the next three years.

Following closely on the heels of our collaborative and integrated strategic planning process, Humber’s SMA was meaningfully informed by our internal consultations and is closely aligned with our strategic plan, our strategic enrolment management efforts and our in-year business plan.

This was an important new Ministry initiative involving multiple submissions and keen attention to detail. I would like to acknowledge and thank those who provided thoughtful input, ensured data integrity and supported the successful completion of the SMA process.

For more information on Humber’s SMA development process and to view each submission, please visit the We Are Humber internal strategic planning website.


Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.