Academic Integrity at Humber Survey - April 5, 2016

To the Humber Community, In 21st century education, we have seen significant change in the ways that we learn and subsequently demonstrate our knowledge and understanding. The ubiquitous use of technology has also changed the way we work, study, and interact with one another. It has provided us with great opportunity to collaborate and access information, however it has also presented opportunities for misuse in education. In this time of change, Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning has initiated an institution-wide study to identify current perceptions, understanding, and experience with questionable academic behaviour, among faculty and students. The findings of this study will be used to inform the development of a set of policies and practices that emphasize honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and responsibility. Ultimately, this research will become an important part of our story, as we develop a culture of academic integrity across the institution. When Humber students graduate, we want them to feel pride and honour about the integrity of the credential that they have earned. As part of this initiative, I am asking each of you to take 10-15 minutes to complete an online survey (click on the link below), to share your thoughts and experiences surrounding academic misconduct. All responses are completely anonymous. Your choice to participate is voluntary. If you complete the survey, you will have the opportunity to submit your email address to win a grand prize of a Surface Pro 3, or 1 of 30 $25 on-campus dining gift cards. You are free to exit the survey before it is complete, but doing so will mean you will not have the option to enter the draw for the prizes. SURVEY LINK: It is with hope and optimism that I ask students and faculty alike to participate in this very important research initiative. Thank you for helping to make Humber a better place to learn. Regards,

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.