As we wrap up our annual convocation celebrations – the culmination of so much hard work and dedication – I am pleased to inform the Humber community that the 2015-16 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements have been approved by the Board of Governors.
I invite you to take a few minutes to review our progress and successes over the past year. Many of our initiatives have become best practices and changed the way we operate as an institution. One such example is the development and implementation of an integrated risk management process. Similarly, the introduction of a co-curricular record will have a long-lasting impact on students’ ability to achieve formal documentation and recognition of their varied learning experiences.
Our first Academic and Strategic Enrolment Management plans were completed and have set the stage for ongoing strategy development related to program development, student recruitment and retention, applied research and innovation, flexible learning, and faculty development. Finally, essential to our identity as a polytechnic postsecondary institution, we made considerable progress in the development of our Centre of Innovation in Health and Wellness.
People, processes and technology are the foundations which support student success. Responsible fiscal management and investment will support future physical and technological infrastructure as well as key priority initiatives specific to the achievement of our five-year strategic success outcomes.
The annual report is a required accountability to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development, and while it provides an opportunity to highlight some of our many successes and accomplishments, it is important to acknowledge that there is much inspiring and exciting activity happening at the college that is not captured here. The day-to-day actualization of our mission, mandate and values are no less important or valued.
The 2015-16 Annual Report is available now at and hard copies will be available from Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis in the coming weeks.
Finally, in this season of congratulations, I’d like to thank all of you for your commitment to Humber and our students. Without your continued dedication, energy and enthusiasm, none of this would be possible.
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.