Humber Employee Engagement Survey

The Humber Employee Engagement Survey is a Year 2 Strategic Plan initiative that supports our Foundations for Success.   The survey results will allow us to measure the collective engagement of our employees in key areas such as the work environment, communications, resources, professional development and recognition.

I encourage you to complete this survey and welcome your open feedback, feedback that I am looking forward to sharing with the college community.  The results will provide a basis for action, specifically working collaboratively with all employees in the development of plans to make Humber a better place for you and our students.  In addition, the results will provide baseline to measure the impact of those actions in the future.

The survey will be launched in November and will take about 20 minutes to complete. It consists of a series of statements about various aspects of working at the college.  You will be asked your level of agreement with each statement, and you will have the opportunity to provide feedback at the end of each section.

The survey is being administered and the results analyzed by CCI research and all responses will be completely confidential.

Once again, I encourage you to participate in this important initiative as we want to understand our progress in meeting the needs of our employees, our strengths as an employer, and the areas in need of positive change to make Humber an even greater place to work and study.

Humber Employee Engagement Survey
Questions & Answers

Why is Humber doing an Employee Engagement Survey?

The Humber Employee Engagement Survey is a Year 2 Strategic Plan measure related to our Foundations for Success, the first goal of which is to invest in accomplished and engaged employees who are supported in delivering an exceptional student experience.

As part of the Employee Engagement Survey, we want to understand our progress in meeting the needs of our employees, our strengths as an employer, and the areas in which we could improve to make this organization an even greater place to work and study.  The survey responses will provide the basis for data analysis of the results and action planning recommendations which will be used as part of continuous improvement efforts.

What kind of questions will be on the survey?
The survey consists of a series of statements that address various aspects of working at the College, such as The Overall Humber Environment, Communication, Performance Management, and Professional Growth and Development, among others.  You will be asked your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement, and you will have the opportunity to type your own thoughts and comments in an open-ended format at the end of each section, if you choose.  There will also be a few demographic questions to allow for grouping of responses.

Who will be invited to do the survey?
All full-time and part-time employees at Humber and Guelph-Humber will be invited to participate in the survey.  We are asking all employees to participate in the survey to ensure we make well-informed decisions based on a large percentage of the employee population.

Why should I fill in this survey?
As an employee of Humber, you know our operations better than anyone.  For the College to continue to improve, it is critical that all employees provide a fair and honest assessment of how we operate.  Your response is important to ensure that we get as complete and accurate a reflection of views as possible.

Who is administering the survey?
An external survey research firm (CCI Research Inc.) will be conducting the survey on behalf of Humber.  CCI Research was chosen to administer the survey on the basis of a competitive procurement process.  CCI Research has designed the survey instrument and will fully administer the online survey and tabulate all survey results which will be provided back to the college in the form of summary reports.

An Employee Engagement Survey Committee at Humber is working with the external consultant to facilitate the planning and administration of the survey process and the reporting of survey results.  This committee includes representation from faculty, support, and administrative staff.

When and how will this survey take place?
The survey period is scheduled for November 17th to November 28th, 2014.  Employees will receive an email invitation from the external consultant (CCI Research) at the start of the survey period with instructions on how to complete the survey online through a secure website.  The email will also include a URL link which will allow direct access to the survey.  The survey will first be made available to all employees on November 17th, and you may actually complete the survey starting on that day.  We encourage you to access and respond to the survey as soon as possible.

How long will it take to complete the survey?
It is estimated that the survey may take an individual employee anywhere from about 15-25 minutes to complete, depending on the rate at which you move through the questions and how much feedback you provide.

What if I can’t complete the survey during the allotted time?
Online surveys must be completed during the designated survey period of November 17th to 28th, 2014, and we are asking all employees to plan to complete the survey during that time.  As noted above, it is estimated that the survey may take an individual employee anywhere from about 15-25 minutes to complete.  The online survey has a “save and continue later” feature so that you may save your answers and continue at a later time within the survey period, if you are unable to complete the survey in one sitting.

Do I have to complete the survey at work?
The survey invitation will be sent to all full-time and part-time employees via their Humber or Guelph-Humber email.  The survey may be completed on any computer or device on which you can access the survey link provided in your email, including mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets.

Will employees get a chance to see the survey results?
Yes.  After the results have been compiled and analyzed by the external consultant, summary results will be shared with employees through their departments/academic schools.  In addition, detailed reports will be provided to management so that actions and objectives can be initiated at various levels.

Are the individual responses confidential?
Yes.  The Humber Employee Engagement Survey will be conducted on behalf of the College by an independent, external consultant in accordance with the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of privacy Act (FIPPA).  All of your responses will be kept strictly confidential and you will never be personally identified.  The consultant will be entirely responsible for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting on all of the data.

The external consultant will group your responses with those from the appropriate department, location, etc.; however, once your survey has been processed, no unique personal identifiers will be associated with your responses and your responses will remain completely confidential.

What we are really interested in for this survey is the larger picture – the collective opinions of employees overall and also by various groupings (e.g., location, work area, employee group, etc.).  This type of information will help us to better understand the areas that are most in need of attention and address them more effectively.  However, if any work area grouping has fewer than ten (10) employees or fewer than ten (10) completed surveys, results will NOT be reported separately in order to protect the confidentiality of employees.  Responses to open-ended items will be provided to the College in aggregate reports.

Is my union aware of this survey? 
Yes.  Both unions representing Faculty and Support Staff have been advised that we will be conducting an Employee Engagement Survey.

Is this about the new Banner system?
No.  This survey is seeking to enquire about all aspects of working at Humber, and is not focused on just one element of our operational systems.  Please answer the survey questions as they reflect on your overall employment at Humber.

Who do I contact if I have questions?
You can contact Nancey Adamson at or ext. 5540 if you have any questions or require any assistance in completing the survey.

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.