I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the activities of the Employee Engagement Recognition Committee. As you will recall, the results of our 2014 employee engagement survey indicated that we have an opportunity to better recognize our employees’ work and contributions to the college. Over the past year, the Recognition Committee has reviewed our practices and researched new opportunities. In February 2016, the committee conducted a survey inviting employees (both full- and non-full time) to provide feedback on our current recognition and appreciation practices at the organization and school/department levels. I am pleased to report that 596 employees participated in the survey. Your responses provided the committee with valuable insights that will help inform our future recognition programs. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. The following is a summary of the findings:
Of the 596 employees who responded:
- 44% are faculty
- 33% are support staff
- 23% are administrators
- 73% are full-time
- 27% are non-full-time
- 61% have worked at Humber for between 3 – 15 years
Formal Recognition
Survey results show that we can improve how we communicate about our formal recognition awards programs. Further, results identified the need to review and revise the criteria we use. Participants indicated they would like to be acknowledged for:
- excellent performance in their own work or as part of a team
- exceeding performance objectives
- building a spirit of teamwork and co-operation among co-workers
- contributing to a more supportive work environment
- excellence in customer service
Of moderate importance was acknowledgement for:
- reflecting corporate values
- improving safety
- community or volunteer service
Lowest ranked items included recognition for:
- milestones based on length of service
- retirement
- minimum length of service
Respondents also indicated that receiving a letter from the President, a monetary award and receiving a plaque were valuable ways to be recognized.
Service Awards
The survey results revealed that although we recognize both our full-time employees and our Continuing Education teachers for their service, there is room for improvement on how we do this, particularly for our full-time employees.
Appreciation Events
The top ranked Appreciation Events based on the survey results are:
- Appreciation days (time off)
- President’s Breakfast
- President’s BBQ
- Support Staff Appreciation Week
- Showcase
Informal Recognition
Participants were asked to indicate their satisfaction with their school/department’s delivery of informal recognition, and results revealed that there is room for improvement. Participants indicated that the following forms of informal recognition are of value to them:
- written thank you
- verbal thank you
- small token of appreciation
- peer to peer recognition
When asked to indicate by whom they would like to be recognized, respondents said (in descending order):
- their immediate supervisor
- their Dean/Director
- students
- the President
- their colleagues
If you would like to view the complete results, please click on the following link:
Next Steps
We know that effective recognition is a key driver in positive employee engagement. Over the next six months, the Recognition Committee will continue to research best practices, consult with the broader College community and develop recommendations to the Executive for implementation in 2016/17.
In the meantime, we will continue to celebrate our employees’ contributions through our formal Staff Recognition and Awards program. The nominations package will be released in the Communique on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. There have been some changes made to the program based on the feedback from both the Employee Engagement Survey and the Recognition Survey. I invite you to review and familiarize yourself with the program’s process and award criteria and encourage you to nominate your colleagues.
All award winners will be announced on Monday, July 18, 2016 and will be presented with their award at the annual President’s Breakfast being held on Monday, August 29, 2016.
I look forward to continuing our work around our recognition programs and will keep you updated as progress is made.
Best regards,
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.