Humber College
Humber's Employee Engagement Survey
Friday, January 23, 2015
On behalf of the Humber Executive team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Humber employees who responded to our Employee Engagement Survey and provide you with this update.
CCI Research is continuing to analyze the data and I am pleased to share with you that we had an overall response rate of 50%. Our highest engagement scores indicate that employees are proud to work at Humber, put extra effort into helping others, enjoy positive working relationships, would recommend Humber as a great place to work, and are committed to service and academic excellence. You also told us that change, communication, performance management, rewards and recognition are areas we can improve on. The survey results will be available through various communications vehicles over the next couple of months, including: divisional meetings, College Council, Town Halls, the Communiqué, and the WE ARE HUMBER website.
I look forward to sharing more survey results, having discussions and developing action plans that will focus on both our positive results and those areas where we can improve.
We Are Moving Forward Together!
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.