As Humber celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are also approaching the final year of our highly successful 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. As a result, preparations are now underway for the development of the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, which will translate our intentions for the future into broadly defined goals and objectives for the next five years.
The planning process has begun with the formation of a Strategic Planning Steering Committee, which will guide a collaborative, transparent and open consultation process. The committee members have been nominated from Humber’s diverse community and include students, support staff, faculty and administrative staff. All will use their knowledge and experience at Humber and the postsecondary sector to develop and implement a comprehensive plan.
Consultation and communication with the Humber community will be essential to a successful process and outcome, so the planning process will include multiple opportunities for engagement. These will include town halls, online forums, a speaker series to stimulate innovation, and opportunities to participate in surveys and focus groups. We will also be launching a dedicated website at the beginning of May, which will help keep the community updated about progress and upcoming events.
Some of the key dates for the process include:
- February 2017 – Strategic Planning Steering Committee established
- March-May 2017 – Develop supporting documents and materials, determine logistics of consultations and events
- August 28, 2017 – President’s Breakfast: Formal launch of strategic planning process
- September 2017-March 2018 – Stakeholder consultations, design and creation of strategic plan
- May 2018 – Final approval of plan by Board of Governors
Please read Communique for further updates regarding the strategic planning process. I am looking forward to hearing feedback and input from the Humber community as we continue to develop our vision for Humber’s future.
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.